to my husband with loveをしっかり選ぼう!
to my husband with loveの常識って世間の常識と食い違ってることが多いよね
To My Husband with Love【電子書籍】[ Allen Appel ]
<p>With a mix of humorous and heartfelt lines, this is a celebration of the warm, funny, and inspiring moments in your relationship; a chance to stop and give thanks for the things that make your life together so special ...</p> <p>Thanks for</p> <p>Asking for my opinion</p> <p>Being my knight in shining armor, even if the armor needs polishing every once in a while</p> <p>Letting me have the bigger closet</p> <p>Having poetry in your soul, if not exactly on your lips</p> <p>Thinking that I'm beautiful</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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